Friday, October 26, 2007
fixing wet or water damage cellphones
forget about the numerous tricks on how to save your water damage cell phone or mobile phone
this is the most effective and efficient way of doing it.
1. First, EXPECT that automatically, the cellphone will SHUTDOWN after water gets into your phone, if it didnt turn off then your lucky that it is still working.
2. DONT TURN IT ON (to avoid further damage from short circuit)...i say again DONT TURN IT ON cuz your just wasting your effort time and money.....
3. using any absorbent material available (CLOTHES or TOWEL) DRY it GENTLY (dont put too much force that may cause more water to get into it).
4. DISASSEMBLE it up to what you can....basically just seperate the CASING, BATTERY, SIM, PHONE ... (you dont have to unscrew everything).
5. LET it DRY by can USE FAN or BLOWER....( i dont advise that you use heat..i suggest it to be warmed...but wind and patience is better)
The only reason that i can think why others are suggesting the application of heat is so that the water will evaporate... lets say it evaporated...where will it air moves upward...what if the opening in your cellphone is underneath....theres no way that moisture can get out unless theres a moving heat alone is not is also risky because you dont know what is the critical temperature of the is just the same as your personal computer it doesnt like heat.....they are both electronics....
I dont also advised that you put inside the might miscalculate the time and temperature.....water doesnt only freeze at 0 degrees...depending on the impurities present on the water it may freeze faster or slower...just for example sea water freezes quicker than a normal water because of impurities which is salt...
I only suggest that you use warm moving air or wind in drying your cellphone
6. if the DISPLAY is NOT FOGGY...its good meaning the water didnt get into it if its FOGGY then you have to wait more...(sometimes it takes about 4 to 72 hours before your phone gets dry depending on your phone, wind, temperature, humidity, etc.)
7. if you think its DRY ENOUGH....then ASSEMBLE everything and try if it works.if it didnt try it tomorrow...try different batteries (since most of the time battery suffers from short circuit).... try it until you lose your patience....
im not actually sure if cellphones got fuses or circuit breakers to avoid short circuit but i assume it has or i wont be able to revive my phone.
if it didnt work give it to a cellphone repair it they fixed it at low means the damage was only in the connection....if its high a new one....
.... it is worth trying and you dont have the choice cuz WARRANTY DONT COVER IT anyway...
i dont guarantee you that this will work but based on my EXPERIENCE STATISTICS it did 100%
I accidentally drop my cellphone in a bucket of dirty water while cleaning the ceiling.....
well after grabbing shut down...i wipe it with my clothes.....and I WAS STUPID TO TURN IT ON...but thats instinct because you wanted to know if it still working...(thats the reason why i repeated it in the procedure to remind) turned on but it shut down again..thats the time i thought of short circuit....i was hoping that at least the phone had a circuit breaker capability to reduce the damage...well I DID THE PROCEDURE and it works...
LAST WEEK we did some sailing, canoeng and rowing at the lake....because of strong wind....we tip over.....24 of us were stupid who brought phones and digital cameras alone (w/o protective casing)......well by doing that PROCEDURE i save all the cell phones but not the digital cameras....i dont have the time to bother but maybe if you can disassemble the camera it may work but be careful of static electricity...
so in 25/25 cases... this procedure works.....its fast and effective.
if it didnt try changing the battery....
by the way in case it worked or it didnt...please send me a comment so that i can keep on track with the stats.....cheers
still didnt work(......
sorry mate....just grab a new the way....what model can i buy it
It seems to me that if a "short circuit" didn't damage the phone when it was originally dunked in the water, then there shouldn't be any additional risk of damage from a short circuit trying to turn on the phone later. That said, there's no good reason to try to turn it on when it's wet because it won't work anyway.
i was wondering, mine dropped into the toliet while i was cleaning it! i immeditly took it apart and blow dry it fast! well now it turns on and everything but it doesnt have a signal? im in my house where i get full signal, any suggestions?
yeah worked for my samsung a900!
I just dunked my Razr in the toilet. I snatched it up within 3 seconds. It was still on.
I took out the battery, dried it with a towel, tapped water out of it.
My first instinct was to try with a heat lamp we have. Then I got on the internet (which I should've done to begin with!) and right now it's lying on a counter with a blow dryer on it at about 18 inches on low.
I hope it works when I'm done.
Update to the above reply: After the blow dryer, I left it on my dashboard while at work. It was 70 degrees out , which was perfect.
Later that evening, around 7:00pm, I gave it another half-hour of blow dryer.
I powered it up this morning and all is well - battery and phone.
so i dropped my phone in the toilet last night. picked it up instantly and turned it on. after i dried it with a towel. still didnt work. the wind was helping and the heat in the house wasnt really working. now being the next day not 24 hours later though. its sitting next to me to air dry some more. i can put it together and not it wont turn on at all unless its plugged into the charger. i think i made it worse by playin with it and tryin to turn it on so much last night. soo looks like im going to be paying for a new one. luckily im eligable for my upgrade now. and will only have to pay $50.00 for a new one. all i see though is a blue screen and my red light will turn on sometimes my green light.
i have a suggestion that actually worked for everything this person said because it does work..but after that...turn a television on...seperate the battery from the phone and sit the phone on the tv...for awhile
after awhile turn it on...and find out if it works..
worked for me and all my friends that tried it..something in the tv really sparks the phone and it works!
RICE! I'm one of the top sales agents in the country for the largest Verizon Permium Retailer store chain. Not bragging but i know my stuff. Infact what your saying will help in some cases;but by removing battery,sim and putting all the parts in a baggy fill with rice will get all the water out! where air drying will leave some behind. And its is true all you readers DONT TURN YOUR PHONE ON ONCE ITS GOTTEN WET.
omg, THANK YOU!!!
I got a Samsung BEAT for Christmas, and just last night, I sat it on my boyfriend's nightstand, and picked it up a couple of hours later to check the time...I'd accidently set it in a small puddle of water (condensation from a glass of water, I guess)! I'd heard the blow-dry thing but that sounded really...iffy (I thought it'd create little air bubbles or heat pockets inside the phone). So I searched on the internet and found phone woooooorks agaaaaain!!!!!
Seawater freezes at a lower temperature, not a higher one. Put the phones in a bowl of uncooked rice, its a good dessicant (look it up, means it draws out water) There are better dessicants, but not usually available at any convienience store.
i dropped my phone into the toilet on saturday, and i didnt know what to do, so i took it out and tried to dry it with paper first, then i used the hand dyer, without removing the battery.the phone was still on when i took it out of the toilet, but after a while it switched off. on monday, i brought it to the pple and they said water damage isnt covered under warranty, and that it was pointless trying to save my phone, as the indicator in the phone had turned red.i'm now trying to put it in rice, and hopefully it will work!
cheers it worked
well, i was the one who dropped the phone into the toilet on a saturday night.i can switch on my phone now, which i felt was kinda like a miracle! however certain keys do not work.. any suggestions as to whether it is just the problem of the key pad?? and whether i should send it for repairs?!
My phone has been out on the front lawn for 4 days and 2 of those it was raining. I will let you know how it goes. Nokia 6300.
my fone still turns on its just the screen that is messed up...does that mean i still do the same thing and it should work?? btw thnx
If i turned it on already does that mean everything you said to do wont work? or should i still try it?
I TRIED THE RICE THING AND IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
somehow water got in my phone and i didn't know...i found out cause my phone's screen turned completely white i turned it right off when i saw it....what should i do?????
Hey, did you say that you turned on your cell phone when it was wet? It flickered off , but when you did the process, that it worked? 'Cause I stupidly did that today too, it was already on though, not knowing that it'd automatically turn off, so do I still have hope for it to work and not short circuit?
Does that mean that wet cell phones that were turned on may still have a chance?
RICE!!!!!!! my phone was submerged into a swimming pool for at last one minute. i took it out and did the rice. It Worked!!!!
Well My phone a nokia went through the washer and dryer. I found it 4 days after I did that. I see the whote spot pink. It still does not work :( Do you think there is a chance. I let it sit out 4 more days open after I found it
difficult but it worked
I put my phone into the washing machine, on 40C, it was soaking there for 40 minutes.
Its a new sony ericson 880i... now I'm hoping. Tried the hair dryer on cool, so most of the water disappeared from the screen. Will let you know what happened. Maybe will try the rice thing as well.
ok my phone feel in the guther i left it there ove night after skool i busted my behind getting it bak i followed your tips && IT WORKS i didnt think that it wasnt going to work after the water damage but it did so i want to THANK GOD for helping me out && giving you the brains && THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME OUT.
my rumor 2 i got 3 days ago got put into a pool for like 10 secs and i have it in rice right now i hope it works
stepped down the stairs of a pool with my LG Dare in my pocket. I tried turning it on and the flash from the camera came on(i'm assuming the ph from the saltwater pool gave it a charge) and I know that wasn't right so I looked and the water indicator on the battery is off but not the phone so I put it in a bag of rice and hoping it all works if I take it up to Verizon to see if all I need is a new battery
my phone fell in the toilet i did the rice thing which fixed my camera which went in the toilet but my cell phone still work but not it blinks off and on and i cant use the phone because it keeps doing this. I think i may have turned on my phone too soon?? help!
recently i dropped my cell in the toilet when it was in the back pocket of my jean shorts. its bin 6 days. ive blowdryed it. vaccumed water out. air dryed it. and now im trying the rice. it turns on. it looks normal. i still get texts and calls. but my keys dont work. the only key that works is the red call one. hope the rice works!
put your cell phone in a bowl of plain white rice!!! it works EVERY time-just separate the batery from the phone put it in a bowl with some white rice for about 24 hours and tada your phone is as good as new!
Where can i go to repair my cell phone?
Rice will do wonders on things that have water damage, even digital cameras. I dropped mine in a lake, found it let it soak in rice for like a week and works great now!
won't putting your phone in a bag of rice cause the rice grains to get in your phone?
I was doing the dishes and texting like always but then put my phone into a puddle of was still on but buttons wouldnt work like I would press one thing it would go to another so I am trying what you said and hoping it works becasue texting is the omnly way I can talk to my bf right now he is hunting for the week but his friend is bring me my boyriends old phone but I still want mine to work I will tell you how everything goes thanks....from shauna
JJ here, My LG cell got splashed with some salt water while kayaking yesterday, it shut down 4 hrs later. I used a blow dryer on cool for 2 2hr sessions, I had it in a bag of rice for 15 hrs and now it is back to working. Thanks for all the collective knowledge of this post.
last night i adlso dropped my phone in the toilet. while it fell in it turned itself on and the powered down. it has been about 12 hours that it has been in a bowl of rice and still turns on, but turns itself off. some buttons dont work, but some buttons use diffrent buttons. i also tried to vaccum water out. is there any hope?
i suggest you change your battery
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